Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cheat Point Blank Pedovil V 3.2


DIZZY Ntar Lho Wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk SEVEN TOUR
Direct hit on the injector check ajah yes!

Description (how Uses):
Alt tab
Press ajah hotkeynya
and tap off after returning (not a long time outside yes!)
Map Hack
Go to the room that already play! see what map is being played!
match with a hotkey (tap off when loading screen) you press the map ksukaan
and when the loading screen it off or return the folder I created the necessary folders
================================================== =======
This cheat was made because of the persistence of brigadier point there are hundreds of thousands but Blum title
ga though as fast as the tempo and inspiration from hero mas

Once logged MISION card purchase you should see the tab dihuruf P
then play in the room (or want to simply open two company!) if open 2 companies
after send out ajah tumbal play if only one company please play first when
Do not press ok press the hotkey used to complete a new card ok deh press ok!

Arrived in the lobby press

 see the circled! then press the letter O
Press again 2x
 then press I to K
then place the pointer tab dihuruf P mii
Then play back when you win press again the hotkey card complete P

Until re-press it again 3x
 let's see increases masmed

then delete the card because the card was not in order it's just for a hack masmed ajah
must have a real point
If you want to combine with rpe, monggo find yourself ya Bro!
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First Rounde [Herb] sg mode
His cheat ni same rich collision map hack. so choose one of the ya Bro!
If finish press the hotkey map hack this automatic function ga
kalo press this hotkey after automatic login function map hack ga

How to use the entrance room that already play sg! should bomb mission
see and notice the room option!
 skewer make it off (same as map hack last) kalo udah tau middle click of a mouse!
then to the inven! you can use all weapons (Kriss, magnum, or others in the room sopmod sg)
after select weapons play games!
Offkan after you hold Kriss sopmod or snjata you chose earlier!
================================================== ===
 Tanya (gohack)
oh yes .... yg hack weapon in 1 round press T so yes .... DC
means of the first star had already prepared a weapon .... What I was wrong yes ..
Answer (-666 -)
 yup bner really why I am writing tutor om keinven dlu and select snjata
because if choosing dildalem room dc
kalo ga t sngaja ketekan directly press esc jngan enter kcuali already off status

Cit ni still experimental stage can only using that one rounde
if anyone knows selanya can be used all rounde, please share it cmii
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NB: this Tutors In Copas Direct from the Forum
Credit: USN Monkiee
Greetz [hrd, abu jafar, gohack, usbensix, princee

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